Friday, June 22, 2007

Life is like a soggy bag of malted milk balls

Every two weeks a woman come to our office, The Mountain Man Lady, selling candy and snacks. Some men in the office anxiously await her arrival as she is good looking. Others of us await her arrival because we constantly require bags of chocolate coated treats to keep us working at top efficiency -- or at least to keep us dragging ourselves in each day. We are like self-trained dogs, giving ourselves the doggie treats for showing up.

I usually buy a $5.00 bag of malted milk balls from this lady. The ones she sells are the best ever. It's easy to screw up malted milk balls. Whompers are too malty. Other brands have low-grade chocolate that is too waxy. Others have malt centers that are too hard to eat my preferred way: bite the ball in half, soften up and suck out the center, collapse the left-over chocolate shell onto the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

Man -- i think i have a food problem.

I ate some of the treats, rewarding myself for a day spent well-sat in my office chair, and took the rest home. Later in the evening, i was looking to reward myself for not snapping at my children or saying what i really wanted to say to my hubbie.

but the malted milk balls were not where i left them.

I soon found the bag, lieing in a pool of bath water, next to the tub. My seven year old had taken them into the bath and was eating them WHILE he bathed. There was about 1/4 cup of bath water INSIDE the bag, turning the remaining malted milk balls into a really nasty soup.

I gotta hand it to the boy, though. Hot bath and chocolate treats -- he is learning SOMETHING from his mom!

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