Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Worst Christmas Ever

Perspective. How old are you when you finally get some?
My 15-year-old son asked for only one thing for Christmas -- and even offered some of his inevitable Christmas dough from aunts, uncles and grandparents to pay for it as it was expensive.
Rock Band, a video game that includes a fake guitar, a fake drum set and a fake microphone.
Three people play it, one on each of the musical fakes, and you try to match the "notes" as they scroll across the screen.
So he got the coveted video game -- and some t-shirts and warm-ups he didn't ask for but desperately needed. We didn't even make him cough up any of the purchase price.
Christmas evening at home, after finishing all the family outings at various grandparent's and aunt's homes, he spends a couple hours putting together the drum kit, setting up the game, creating his character in the game (funny -- in real life my son does not have green-tipped spiked hair or any piercings).
Then the X-Box broke.
Such wailing and gnashing of teeth! At first he was convinced that the Rock Band game purchased not from an expensive video game store but from Sam's Club was defective. When it was proven the X-Box would no longer play ANY video game, this phrase drifted to my ears, "This is the worst Christmas ever."
Tsk. Tsk. If only. That is my wish as a mother for you my son. That this Christmas truly be your worst Christmas ever. That you never have to experience a Christmas where there isn't enough money to provide a Christmas. Or you never experience a Christmas that comes too soon after the death of a cherished loved one. Or a solitary Christmas away from the places and people you love the most.
The worst Christmas ever -- if you are lucky.

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