Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today, I am a Chauffer

I hope I spelled that correctly.
A typical day -- drop Chris off at the elementary school; drop Jeffery off at the high school; drive to work, drive to lunch later, pick up Chris at day care, drive to get him some fast food because he is STARVING (his emphasis, not mine. Clearly at 80 pounds the boy does not know what starving means); field request from Jeffery who wants me to drive to the high school, pick him up, haul him to Subway so he can get a sandwich, take him back to the high school so he can watch the varsity basketball game, then come back when the game is over to bring him home.
I can't wait until he is 16 and can drive himself.
My plans for this evening included bath at 6:30 p.m., in bed by 7, reading, hopefully asleep by 9.
Now, i'm wondering -- do i dare get in the tub and drive to pick him up in my PJs? what if there's an accident? will the sarpy county sheriff go easier on me if i'm dressed in my pink flannels?
I know -- i could have said no to Jeffery. But i remember what it was like to not have transport in high school before my dad purchased the Vega. and i know that just 3 1/2 short years from now, he'll be out of my grasp, eliminating even the possibility for me to say "yes" or "no." So I say yes as often as I can. I say no when that's the best answer.
I'll have plenty of time for bedtime reading when he's at college.

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